Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Thank you Andrew, Killer of Creativity

"Huzzah," I thought. "Finally, an LRC blog where I can share all those funny everyday LRC observations that I make every time I work there. So many quirks and anecdotes and..."

...Nothin'. As soon as I sit down to write my first post, I can't think of anything. It's all gone.

Wait! Remember...'member how people, like, don't put stuff in the drop box and like, it's all annoying and stuff like, "Don't you know how to read???" What's up with that?


I'm sorry! That's all I got and it has so been done before, but I promise I'll get those creative juices going again. Who knows, something crazy might happen in the next 2 1/2 hours before I get off. You never know what will happen the the magical world of Learning and Resources and the Center in which they are located...

1 comment:

  1. I like you Cheryl. All in favor of making Cheryl their new favorite person say I.
