Tuesday, June 16, 2009

LRC: The Beginning

Yep, I'm starting an LRC blog. It's called LRC: The Blog. I was hesitant to actually create a blog, as Amber our fellow co-worker just informed me that blogs are for females, or males who are either indy, artsy or married. Because I don't really fall into any of those categories, I approached the brink of giving up. Then, I remembered how awesome the LRC is, and decided that it definitely needs a blog. So, here we go. Everyone who works in or is affiliated with the LRC may comment. (Others may comment too, but we probably won't read whatever you post). As we all know, the LRC is the coolest part of the Harold B. Lee Library, so I'm fairly confident that we all have some awesome things to say about it. Feel free to share LRC stories, be they funny or serious (preferably funny). Have fun, and remember Passion rules Reason, and Karaoke rules Passion!

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